- average lightnnig stroke is 6 miles long
- average thunderstorm in s 6-10 miles wide
- average thunderstorm travels at the rate of 25 mph
- when lightning hits the ground neard by its grounded. you are safe
Number of Flashes
- Cloud to ground
- More than on eground strike point
- Clous flashes
Thunder is ;
- air heated
- Rapid expansion / contraction
- sound Waves
- strikes close by
- strikes further away
- duration
- Plan ahead
- Group Activity
- Nearest shelter
- Take action
Flash to bang method
- this method is used to estimate lightning from your location
- divide the number of seconds by five to get the distance the lightning is away from you
- example :if you see lightning and it takes 10 senonds to hear the sound then the lightning is two miles away form you (10/5=2)