Air circuit breaker (ACB) is a mechanical switching device which is capable of making, carrying and breaking current under normal circuit conditions, and also carry the same for specified time and break current under specified abnormal circuit conditions.
The Operating Mechanism is responsible for opening and closing the circuit breaker contacts. It can be manual, electrically operated, or motorized.
Air circuit breakers (ACBs) find applications in a wide range of industries and settings due to their versatile and reliable performance. Some common applications include:
* Industrial Plants
* Commercial Buildings
* Data Centers
* Power Generation and Distribution
* Mining Operations
* Residential Installations
Air circuit breakers’ benefits:
*High Breaking Capacity
*Quick Operation
*Ease of Maintenance
*Compatibility with a wide range of electrical systems and components
*Various Safety features to protect both personnel and equipment
Some of our implementations of ACBs are:
-Main transformers output
-Main MCCs switches
-Ball mill motor start & stop
-Generators general circuit breakers (GCBs