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Electric fires and how to approach?

Electric fires and how to approach this topic

Watch till end to see fire spread and actions and discuss it?

Why I bring it up

electric fire – is commonly used term to describe all fires started by electricity. This can be overheating, short circuit, series arcing and parallel arc flash

fire extinguishing – if electric arc is ongoing and power supply did not switch off – don’t approach it unless You know what You are doing.

what to do – call emergency number, if you know where and how disconnect power supply.

You can limit fire from spreading but do not engage directly with source of electric arc as you will not stop it.This leads to a few questions for all people responsible:

Do I know how to handle electrical fires?

Do I have all main disconnectors clearly marked?

Do I have main fire switch?

Bonus: If you have fire near electrical device you can use properly rated fire extinguisher as source of fire is not electrical.

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