Elevating Electrical Safety with Comprehensive Insulation Resistance (IR) Testing 🚀
IR testing we called Megger testing also. So in this article we may refer IR as megger testing too.
Insulation Resistance (IR) testing on a variety of critical electrical equipment and infrastructure. These efforts contribute to safer, more reliable power systems, aligned with standards for insulation testing.
🔍 Key Testing Scope:-
*Across these projects, specialized IR testing on transformers, motors, medium-voltage (MV) panel components (vacuum circuit breakers, current transformers, potential transformers), and various power and control cables. Ensuring these components are properly insulated and free of faults is essential for reducing risks of electric shock, short circuits, and equipment damage.
📏 Standards and Testing Approach of IR testing :-
*Each test follows standards, which set guidelines for safe insulation levels in electrical installations. Using Kyoritsu IR testers (models 3005A, 3007A, and KEW 3125A), advanced techniques are used including Short-Time, Step-Voltage, Dielectric Absorption Ratio (DAR), and Polarization Index (PI) testing. These methods help capture accurate insulation performance and reveal potential weaknesses.
🛠 IR Testing Procedures at a Glance:-
1. Transformers:–
Disconnect the transformer and loop the low-voltage (LV) and high-voltage (HV) windings separately.
Measure insulation resistance between HV and LV windings, HV and ground, and LV and ground to ensure proper isolation and electrical strength.
For motors with delta windings where disconnection isn’t feasible, loop all three windings together and test insulation resistance between the windings and ground.
3.MV Panel Components (VCBs, CTs, PTs):–
3.1 VCBs:- Test between incoming and outgoing terminals in open state, and measure phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground insulation in close state.
3.2 CTs and PTs:- Measure insulation between primary and secondary cores, between secondary cores as well as between each core and ground, to ensure safe isolation and accurate measurement performance.
3.3 Cables:- Isolate each cable, then test between phases, phase-to-earth, and phase-to-neutral. Applying voltage at standard levels (e.g., 500V as per BS 7671) verifies compliance and safe operating conditions.
🌐 Creating Safe and Resilient Power Systems:-
*These IR testing efforts strengthen electrical reliability and longevity, supporting preventive maintenance for crucial infrastructure. Ensuring insulation integrity is a small part of a larger commitment to building resilient and compliant electrical systems that power everyday operations safely and efficiently.
Looking forward to driving these standards further in power engineering and infrastructure safety!
Some Practicle tips for megger testing or IR testing :-
- Always discharge after a measurement if not you or someone will get shocked due to electrical discharge use a cable to earth the charge
- Always use HV gloves while doing IR testing
- At least take the value for about 1 minute
- Generally we megger cable using 5000v if used 10000v above permanent damage may happen to cable.
- Don’t let others touch the instrument you are meggering.
- Motor winding can show you which winding is damaged if all are good go for bearing check
- When you buy a new motor, transformer , Cable make sure you do the megger testing before you use it or comminision
- Always remove the attached cables , earthing before starting the meggering even control cables
- Read the nameplate and understand the manufacturing type . Since you will wrongly judge a good IR reading due to internal structure such as delta winding will always interconnected.
- Calibrate your equipments for at least 2 years , for better readings.
- At least make a habit to do IR testing in your factory , site so that you will understand how the equipments loose Insulation Resistance.

Kyoritsu IR testing reading