When you go to a hotel you may have seen blue lights in a box flashing and sometimes small blasting sound comes from a box. They are called insect killers. these insect killer use uv lights to attract insects and once they come near by electrified mesh destroy the insect. These UV light are found in different colors some are white in color and some are black in color . These are called type a UV lights .
These box has 2 ballast each supplying power for both. with 230v you can power up and hang up on anywhere where insects are more likely to roam around.
These lights length vary from length also. In the usual industry it is used 1.5 feet to 2 feet length UV lights.
Maintenance : –
When maintain insect machines fist thing you should do is unplug the socket. the discharge the mesh using earth wire or run your tester few times . then the electricity left on the mesh will be discharged. then bring down the machine down and remove the below plate where the poor insects resting in peace,. use a paint brush to remove sticked insects . Switch of the MCB. Check the fuse if needed remove and replace it. if your UV lights are 2 pin you will have to turn the bulb to remove from the sockets.