Difference between Supply Air l Return Air l Exhaust Air & Fresh Air ?

Difference between Supply Air l Return Air l Exhaust Air & Fresh Air …?

The terms supply air, return air, exhaust air, and fresh air are commonly used in heating, ventilation, and Air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

Here are the differences:-

1. **Supply Air:**

– **Definition:** Air that is distributed from the HVAC system into the conditioned space.

– **Function:** It delivers heated or cooled air to maintain the desired indoor temperature and air quality.

– **Path:** Typically moves from the HVAC unit through ducts and vents into various rooms.

2. **Return Air:**

– **Definition:** Air that is drawn from the conditioned space back into the HVAC system.

– **Function:** It returns indoor air to the HVAC unit to be reconditioned (heated, cooled, filtered) and recirculated.

– **Path:** Travels from rooms through return ducts and vents back to the HVAC unit.

3. **Exhaust Air:**

– **Definition:** Air that is expelled from the building to the outside.

– **Function:** It removes stale, contaminated, or excess air from the indoor environment to improve air quality.

– **Path:** Typically extracted from areas like bathrooms, kitchens, or other spaces where air quality is compromised and directed outside through exhaust ducts and fans.

4. **Fresh Air:**

– **Definition:** Outdoor air that is brought into the building.

– **Function:** It introduces outside air into the indoor environment to dilute indoor pollutants and replenish oxygen levels.

– **Path:** Enters the building through fresh air intakes, often filtered and conditioned by the HVAC system before mixing with the indoor air.

In summary:-

**Supply Air**: Air delivered to indoor spaces from the HVAC system.-

**Return Air**: Air taken back to the HVAC system from indoor spaces.-

**Exhaust Air**: Air expelled from the building to the outside.-

**Fresh Air**: Outdoor air brought into the building for ventilation.


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