You are seeing here a crimped medium voltage aluminum cable where a ferrule is fixed at the bare conductor.
This is very important task when specially cable joining happens.
first of all you clean the cable with appropriate cleaning chemical. then yo choose the correct ferrule then you enter the half of it and crimp using crimping tool.
You can find out crimping tool mechanical and electrical depends on you r usage. electrical on is one person job but when mechanical one it becomes two person jobs. some mechanical crimping tools are hand pumps while others are foot operated.
make sure ferrule is inserted inside the cable if not while crimping it cab damage the ferrule and cable both. if something like that happen use a grinder and carefully break it and repeat.
make sure you crimp at appropriate pressure also. you should select the cable conductor sized crimping tool 25, 50, 70 , 95 … or whatever the size cable it is. if not it will either be loosely crimped or it will damage the cable core.